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FX Trading

Mid-Market Rate

The mid-point between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair at a specific point in time.

It reflects the theoretical fair value between buyers and sellers in the market, but it is not an executable rate. Many currencies have wide bid-ask spreads, meaning the actual transaction will occur at either the bid or ask price, depending on whether a buyer or seller is crossing the spread. The mid-market rate is often used as a benchmark for comparison but does not include any markups or fees.

  • Simple Example: If the bid price for EUR/USD is 1.0900 and the ask price is 1.1000, the mid-market rate would be 1.0950.
  • Numerical Breakdown:
    • Bid Price: 1.0900
    • Ask Price: 1.1000
    • Mid-Market Rate: (1.0900 + 1.1000) ÷ 2 = 1.0950

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